Tuesday, 20 May 2008

why Gordon Brown now MUST scrap Crossrail hole Bill

By©Muhammad Haque
0750 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 20 May 2008

One key lie that Crossrail hole plot-peddling Ken Livingstone perpetrated via the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD as part of Livingstone's promotion of the CRASS rail attacks on the East End of London, was that Crassrail would bring ‘benefits’ to the ‘East End’.

CURIOUS. Strange. Significant.

The very same EVENING STANDARD that allegedly did so many ‘bill boards across L
Back to ...

The ‘benefits’ propaganda of Livingstone:

This is based on the criminally irresponsible ‘knowledge’ on the part of the pedlars that poverty was prevalent in the Eat End which meant that the ‘ordinary East End’ people would be positively welcoming of any package that carried with it the 'prospect' of dangled benefits....

From the start that was a lie....

By ‘benefits’ Livingstone and his corrupt and corrupting entourage meant that it, CRASSrail, would DEGENERATE the community even further than had been the case in the previous 40 years or so. But they did not let on that fact.

They twisted its presentation and dressed it as a positive value that the poverty-attacked in the East End of London would really need and welcome....!!!!

In the previous 40 years, which, significantly, parallels the length of Livingstone's career at the expense of the people in and of London, has also been the ‘era’ in context which has witnessed the appearance and the perpetration and perpetuation of what so called ‘regeneration’.

It has meant DEGENERATION.

As one of the latest perpetrators of that degeneration, Christine Gilbert [appointed and kept as ‘Chief executive in post on Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole plot-inviting Council until 2006] has admitted in another layer of her dishonesty, as she poses as the ‘latest reforming’ inspector of schools at OFSTED [where Blair had her installed as a reward for her degenerating the East End of London]....

Poverty pervades everything in this world crass 'Government'. Stop making ever new announcements. Look fast and hard at the Existing panoply;y of overdone legislation. Sort that mess out. But do so intelligently and honestly.

Start by scrapping the Crossrail hole Bill NOW!!

It contains far more of the wrong things than any other does [except Brown's newest latest Frankenstein one]

[More, later, on why Gordon Brown must still drop the alliance [and dalliance] with Frankenstein in medicine...]

[To be continued]

The East End of London does NOT need Gordon Brown to add to poverty and poverty-creating lies... So scrap the CROSSRAIL hole plot...

By©Muhammad Haque
0750 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 20 May 2008

One key lie that Crossrail hole plot-peddling Ken Livingstone perpetrated via the London EVENING nostandards STANDARD as part of Livingstone's promotion of the CRASS rail attacks on the East End of London, was that Crassrail would bring ‘benefits’ to the ‘East End’.

CURIOUS. Strange. Significant.

The very same EVENING STANDARD that allegedly did so many ‘bill boards across L
back to why Gordon Brown now MUST scrap Crossrail hole Bill...

The ‘benefits’ propaganda of Livingstone:

This is based on the criminally irresponsible ‘knowledge’ on the part of the pedlars that poverty was prevalent in the Eat End which meant that the ‘ordinary East End’ people would be positively welcoming of any package that carried with it the 'prospect' of dangled benefits....

From the start that was a lie....

By ‘benefits’ Livingstone and his corrupt and corrupting entourage meant that it, CRASSrail, would DEGENERATE the community even further than had been the case in the previous 40 years or so. But they did not let on that fact.

They twisted its presentation and dressed it as a positive value that the poverty-attacked in the East End of London would really need and welcome....!!!!

In the previous 40 years, which, significantly, parallels the length of Livingstone's career at the expense of the people in and of London, has also been the ‘era’ in context which has witnessed the appearance and the perpetration and perpetuation of what so called ‘regeneration’.

It has meant DEGENERATION.

As one of the latest perpetrators of that degeneration, Christine Gilbert [appointed and kept as ‘Chief executive in post on Tower Hamlets Crossrail hole plot-inviting Council until 2006] has admitted in another layer of her dishonesty, as she poses as the ‘latest reforming’ inspector of schools at OFSTED [where Blair had her installed as a reward for her degenerating the East End of London]....

Poverty pervades everything in this world crass 'Government'. Stop making ever new announcements. Look fast and hard at the Existing panoply;y of overdone legislation. Sort that mess out. But do so intelligently and honestly.

Start by scrapping the Crossrail hole Bill NOW!!

It contains far more of the wrong things than any other does [except Brown's newest latest Frankenstein one]

[More, later, on why Gordon Brown must still drop the alliance [and dalliance] with Frankenstein in medicine...]

[To be continued]

Gordon Brown can STILL frustrate David Ca-Moron if Brown starts acting against POVERTY and truthfully so, NOW!!


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Gordon Brown can STILL frustrate David Ca-Moron if Brown starts acting against POVERTY and truthfully so, NOW!!

By©Muhammad Haque
0725 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 20 May 2008

Poverty pervades everything in this world crass 'Government'. Stop making ever new announcements. Look fast and hard at the Existing panoply;y of overdone legislation. Sort that mess out. But do so intelligently and honestly.

Start by scrapping the Crossrail hole Bill NOW!!

It contains far more of the wrong things than any other does [except Brown's newest latest Frankenstein one]

[More, later, on why Gordon Brown must still drop the alliance [and dalliance] with Frankenstein in medicine...]

[To be continued]

Monday, 19 May 2008

CRASSrail hole plot-peddling lying GUARDIAN confesses to being economical with the truth...about economics!

CRASSrail hole plot-peddling lying GUARDIAN confesses to being economical with the truth...about economics!

By©Muhammad Haque
1730 GMT
Monday 19 May 2008

CRASSrail hole plot-peddling lying GUARDIAN confesses to being economical with the truth...about economics!

The Guardian has been confessing today that it has been economical with the truth About economics!

Ken Livingstone-shielding Guardian has at last made another confession.... That it has been lying about its lies for Crassrail....

Not that the lying Guardian would ever use these phases...

But the truth of what it has had to confess today is this

That due to lack of fiscal flexibility, Gordon Brown is doing what Gordon Brown always was told by Khoodeelaar! he should do about CRASSrail - scrap it.

We start publishing the full details of what Khoodeelaar! has been saying for 52 months, starting this evening...